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Exercise. If you are thin, you will gain weight by exercising. People that are overweight will lose weight by exercising. Thing of it as the equalizing factor. It helps both under and overweight people get to a happy medium. Crunches on an exercise ball are the best. If you do standard situps, be sure not to put your hands behind your neck because this can put strain on your neck, try overlapping your hands on the base of your neck, and then support your head by squeezing your forearms together to hold you jaw in place.

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Q: How does a thin man build abdominal muscle without losing weight?
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How do you build lean muscle with out losing weight?

Protein is an important factor in gaining muscle. Eating more protein and drinking protein shakes will help you build lean muscle without losing weight. It is also important to be consistant with the amount of weight you lift and the number of reps you do.

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Losing weight overall is likely to affect your facial weight as well as your abdominal weight. However, to develop six-pack abs, you actually need to develop and strengthen your abdominal muscles such as by doing crunches and sit-ups. If you carry too much weight around your abdomen, no matter how toned your abdominal muscles are no one is going to be able to see them.

Can your bench pressing strength decrease if you lose weight?

If the weight you are losing is muscle, yes.

Can you gain muscle mass with weight training without gaining weight?

No that is impossible. You cannot gain muscle mass without ever gaining weight.

What is the best method to losing weight and gaining muscle?

move more and eat less

What is more important for losing weight - building muscles or reducing fat?

Reducing fat. You can lose weight with or without building muscle, by eating smaller portions and avoiding unhealthy foods. Though of course exercise is always a good idea whether or not it's for adding muscle.

Why I'm not losing weight after i strated exersicing is the muscle?

Are you running enough? If not, I recommend you start running, that will help you loose weight.

Anorexic without losing weight?

Impossible, actually. Once you're anorexic you are going to keep losing weight, until you are the most anorexic you can be, and then you'll eventually die. Why would you want to be anorexic without losing weight? Isn't that the whole POINT of anorexia?

Can an object lose mass without losing weight?

No. Mass is directly propotional to weight.

Do you gain weight before you lose it?

It depends if you get fat then go on a diet, or if you lift weights, you gain muscle,and muscle weighs more than fat.

How is body weight misleading when talking about fitness?

You can be losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time, bringing your weight up. This is not necessarily bad at all. You may be getting quite a bit healthier losing the less dense fat and gaining healthy, toned muscle.

Can you lose 10 pounds in 23 days?

It is certainly possible to lose 10 pounds in 23 days. It is important, though, to distinguish losing weight from losing body fat. If you are overweight or obese, losing 10 pounds of body fat is a good idea; however, it's a bad idea to lose lean muscle mass. If you do not exercise and eat properly, about half the weight you lose will be lean muscle mass and that is a bad idea. Since lean muscle mass is very much more metabolically active than fat, you want to preserve or increase your lean muscle mass. Losing weight too quickly, and by that losing your muscle mass, will leave you worse off. You will quickly regain the weight and probably more than you lost.