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Inversely with altitude, the higher up you go the less air pressure

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Q: How does air pressure vary?
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Why does air pressure vary?

Air pressure varies because of the differences in air's density.

Which describes how temperature humidity and pressure vary within an air mass?

Humidity makes the pressure in an air mass increase

How does air pressure vary as a person goes higher in Earth's atmosphere?


How do weather fronts compare?

The air pressure can change, the temperature can vary and many more

What is created when air move?

When moves nothing is created except that there is a pressure difference left out.That will vary according to the speed of the air.

Why does the acceleration of gravity vary from one point to another on the earths surface?

Different air pressure, so there is more/less air resistance.

How is the atmospheric pressure associated witgh the land breeze?

Winds or breezes are caused by atmospheric pressure. When air is heated by the Sun, it warms and becomes less dense. This means that the parts of the air column making up the atmosphere vary between areas of warm air and areas of cold air. Areas of warm air are less dense and therefore have a low pressure as compared with areas of cold air which have a high pressure. To even out the pressure difference, the air flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure and this flow of air is called the wind.

Does the static pressure in your pressure tank change if the pressure switch was increased?

The pressure in the tank will vary from your cutin pressure to your cutout pressure. If you increased the pressure in the system, your air-charge will now be wrong. A good rule of thumb is cutin - 2 psi.

How does atmosphere pressure vary with altitude?

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What is the air pressure suppose to be in tires?

In every vehicle tired pressures will vary. Check in the driver door jam or owners manual for accurate tire pressure.

What does a decrease in the height of the mercury column usually indicate on a barometer?

low pressure system and stormy weather

What is the weather term of how heavy the air is?

Air Pressure