

Best Answer

1. If you have had to much alcohol and you are drunk it will make you go loopy.

2. You cant control your actions and words when you are drunk.

3. I CANT THINK OF ONE. If you ever get to go on the life education bus then you will learn about it othen reply for the last awnser.

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Q: How does consumption of alcohol affect your driving skills Name three ways that alcohol can affect your driving?
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Drinking and driving are the cause of many accidents equals to?

Alcohol reduces driving skills.

Alcohol lowers inhibition making a driver?

Driving a motor vehicle, which requires many coordinated functions, is impacted by alcohol. A person is slow to react, their perception is affected, and they may think they're driving just fine.

Can your driving skills or abilities be affected when alcohol is consumed?

They certainly can. That's why there are laws against driving while intoxicated.

Alcohol affects a driver by?

Alcohol affects a driver by impairing cognitive and motor skills, reducing reaction time, decreasing coordination, and altering judgment. This can lead to dangerous driving behaviors, an increased risk of accidents, and impaired decision-making on the road.

What critical skills does alcohol affect?

Alcohol can impair critical skills such as decision-making, coordination, balance, judgment, and reaction times. This can lead to increased risk of accidents, injuries, and impaired performance in various tasks requiring focus and precision.

What percent of Americans will be in an alcohol-related collision at some point in their lifetime?

Estimates vary, but the average seems to be in the area of 3 to 4 times the risk of an accident over drivers who are not drinking. The same statistics, BTW, hold for people who talk on the phone while driving, and they are about twice that for people who text and drive.

What are facts about drunk driving?

Skills necessary to driving are impacted by drinking alcohol. The alcohol we drink literally enters our bloodstream in a measurable amount. We measure the amount as a mass per volume percentage. This is the reading of .xx for a blood alcohol content measurement known as a BAC level. Countless studies have linked various BAC levels with their associated impact on driving skills. Both North and South American continents and most of Europe are all in agreement that a BAC of .08 is sufficiently detrimental to driving skills to deem driving with a .08 illegal. Around 900,000 people are arrested for DUI each year in America. About 1/3 of those are repeat offenders. About 13,000 people die each year in DUI-related accidents. For lots of other facts about drunk driving and how to avoid it, please visit

Does talking on the cell phone while driving affect your driving skills?

Yes. It can distract you and cause you to take one hand off the wheel. Often headsets are recommended so that you can talk "hands-free."

How does the Lack of skills affect the business?

how does the lack of skills affect bussinesses

What are the positive effects of alcohol intellectually?

Alcohol can temporarily increase feelings of relaxation or confidence, which may lead some individuals to feel more mentally at ease in social situations. However, excessive alcohol consumption can impair cognitive abilities and decision-making skills, leading to negative intellectual effects in the long run.

Does alcohol affect teenagers more than adults?

There pre-frontal cortex hasn't fully developed and leads them to have poor judment than a fully devolped cortex found in adults. While alcohol already effects judgment.

How does alcohol use affect the ability of a person riding a bicycle?

Alcohol clouds your sense of jusdgment, balance, timing and interferes with your motor skills - which are all things you need when operating a vehicle relying on rider input to stay upright.