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Scientist predicts that if the global warming continuous on its phase Earth's temperature will reach in what they call "the point of no return" in which in the intense heat, plants which we called producer will die out rapidly from every part of the world. dead plants releases carbon dioxide and many other gases as it decays. these green house gases will further fuel the increase in temperature thus the earth is lock in to killing more plants and producing more greenhouse gases. this process will definitely destroy the food chain as it deletes the start of it. which is the plants or the producer. not to mention, dead and dry leaves can make a very deadly forest fire which will both kill all parts of the food chain and elevate global warming.

thanks discovery channel for me....

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12y ago

they don't effect the food chain there are still crabs right then how do we effect the food chain.

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11y ago

by stuff happening

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Q: How do the changes in the seasons impact a food chain?
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