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It is a roughage which does not break down as quickly or as easily as other feedstuffs do like alfalfa, grain, or green grass does. This way the digestion process is prolonged and prevents the animal from bloating because the feed isn't too rich. Hay will not help a cow's digestive system, however, if it is too poor-quality and coarse. A cow can easily die of a full stomach if hay is poor quality because it lacks any sufficient nutrients for a cow to live on. It'll just sit there and not do anything for her.

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Q: How does hay help cows digestive system?
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Do cows eat hay?

Because they like it.

What nutrients do horses need in hay?

Hay is roughage, low calorie, dried and cut grass. There really isn't many nutrients in it. Hay helps the horse's digestive system keep moving. It's the most important part of their diet.

Do cows eat everything?

No. Cows are herbivores, meaning that they are strictly plant-eating animals, not omnivores nor carnivores. Cows eat grass, hay and silage and should eat just grass, hay and silage.

Can cows eat hay?

Yes. Hay is THE main staple of any cow's diet when not on pasture.