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double-displacement reaction

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Q: How does hydrochloric acid react to zinc phosphate?
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Do metals react with hydrochloric acid?

Many do react with hydrochloric acid. An example is the reaction between zinc and hydrochloric acid, which produces zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Zn + 2HCl --> ZnCl2 + H2

Do zinc react with dilute hydrochloric acid?


What happens when zinc and hydrochloric acid react?

Nothing happens. They don't react.

What happen when you add few grains of zinc dust to 5 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid solution?

Zinc react with hydrochloric acid and zinc chloride is formed.

How do you mix zinc phosphate?

If you mean how do you create it, you react zinc oxide and phosphoric acid

Is zinc an active nonmetal?

NO!!! Zinc is a metal. It will react readcily with mineral acids, such as hydrochloric acid.

What two metals will react with dilute hydrochloric acid?

Two metals that will react with dilute hydrochloric acid are zinc and magnesium.

What is the name of reaction when the zinc react with hydrochloric acid?

It is a single displacement reaction.

What happens when hydrochloric acid is added to zinc powder?

There is a vigorous and exothermic reaction. The hydrochloric acid and zinc react to produce zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. Large amounts of heat are also released.

Does zinc destroy hydrocloric acid?

Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. However zinc does react with hydrochloric acid, producing zinc chloride and hydrogen gas. The hydrochloric acid isn't destroyed, only changed into something else.

Is there a temperature change when zinc granules react with hydrochloric acid?

yes it heats up

How many molecules are produced when 2.5g of zinc react with an excess of hydrochloric acid?

molecules of what?