

Best Answer

The supposed secret to Hydroxycut is that it is supposed to give you more energy, which in turns burns more calories. Nearly all weight loss pills on the market do not work.

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Q: How does hydroxycut work?
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Related questions

Is the hydroxycut at walmart the same quality as at GNC?

hydroxycut is hydroxycut no matter where you buy it

Is hydroxycut healthy?

No, Hydroxycut is not healthy. Recently the FDA advised consumers to stop using Hydroxycut as it poses serious health risks.

Can taking hydroxycut max cause my nuva ring not work?

I can't tell, because hydroxycut max doesn't list all if its ingredients. Contact your pharmacist to see if s/he has any ideas about the components of the trademarked ingredients.

What WILL HAPPEN if you dont eat after take hydroxycut hard core WILL IT STILL WORK?

I just started to use Hydroxycut harcore so are you suppose to eat after you take the pills after working out too??? It will work but you will be really light headed. I would just eat, like it is suggested on the back of the bottle.

Where was hydroxycut made?

Hydroxycut is manufactured by Iovate Health Services in Canada. It is part of the Muscle Tech division.

What is hidroxycut?

Hydroxycut is a weight loss supplement brand. Hydroxycut was originally developed and manufactured by MuscleTech Research in 2003.

Can Hydroxycut be a migraine trigger?

Yes, it's possible for nearly anything, including Hydroxycut, to be a Migraine trigger for a susceptible individual.

Where can you buy Hydroxycut?

you can buy it at GNC or YTFS

Is it safe to take hydroxycut and lyrica together?


Is hydroxycut hard core safe to use?

No, it hasn't done a thing for me other than raise my blood pressure I just started using it again the Hydroxy-hardcore, and I am not even up to my full recommended dose and I have already noticed that a difference with my weight.

Does hydroxycut weight loss pill cause eye to twitch?

she was on hydroxycut

Should you stop using hydroxycut you are 40 years old?

No one should take hydroxycut. It is of no proven value and can cause high blood pressure.