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Internal metabolism produces heat within the body. The reactions that take place within the body (molecules being broken down, building and rebuilding of microtubules, and even digestion) warm the body from the inside out.

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Q: How does inreased metabolism help maintain blood temperature in a cold environment?
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The opposite of ectothermic is endothermic. Ectotherms maintain their body temperature by behavior rather than metabolism. Endotherms maintain a warm, consistent body temperature with the use of energy.

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Maintain a normal value of certain body temperature.

Explain how metabolism and homeostasis are related?

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant internal environment. In the Biology context, it means a constant body environment, for example, constant body temperature, blood glucose level. Metabolism refers to the reactions that take place in the body which allows life to be maintained. You need to have metabolism taking place in order to maintain homeostasis.

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The total of all chemical reactions that occur in an organism is called the organisms metabolism. Metabolism allows organisms to grow, reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to environment.

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It does not generate enough internal heat from its metabolism to maintain a constant body temperature. Instead, it relies mostly on its surroundings to maintain its body temperature - becoming slower and more sluggish when it it cold and quicker and more active when it is warm or hot.

Is a nereis endothermic?

A endothermic maintain a nearly constant internal body temperature regardless of the temperature of their environment. These animals are called warm- blooded animals.

How does an organism maintain a stable internal temperature what is the process called?

The maintenance of a stable internal environment is called homeostasis.

What must you do to maintain life?

metabolic, metabolism.