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At the smallest level, the myosin heads and the actin filaments are pulled from the myofibrils. This damage causes a release of chemicals that causes the soreness after a workout. This happens when the muscle is lifting more weight than what all the myofibrils can hold. This can happen at certain points depeding on the workout, so its good to try and work the whole muscle . The chemicals released also stimulate repair and growth in the area. Try massaging or stretchign the muscle right after you work it to stimulate blood flow and the release of hormones and other chemicals. the more tears, and the longer the workout, the better

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Q: How protein enters micro tears in muscle?
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Micro tears in muscle fibres?

micro tears in muscle fibres

Is protein essential to build muscle?

yes because it used for protein synthesis which then repairs the micro tears which occur during muscle building exercises

Can stretching prevent muscles from micro-tears?

stretching cant prevent micro tears, but it can help in repairing them. for the bests results, do an aerobic activity first to get your blood flowing, then stretch to allow the blood to fill the micro tears. sourness is also caused by the swelling of the muscles caused by the micro tears. stretching also helps this.

What is the principle of overload in sport?

The principle of overload is to train your muscles beyond what they usually do in order to create micro-tears which will later be repaired by protein. This makes the muscle grow back bigger and stronger.

What are micro tears in muscle?

The destruction of the micro-filaments (actin, myosin) in a muscle cell that enable it to contract. The destruction of these filaments prevent the function of that muscle cell. A large amount of micro tears in a large amount of muscle cells contributes to the soreness present during weight training and is what triggers the body into producing stronger muscles.

How does weight trainign make muscles bigger?

Weight training creates micro-tears in your muscle fibers. When your muscle is repaired using proteins, they have the effect of becoming "bigger".

Can you gain muscle mass and weight without working out?

Yes you most definitely will gain weight if you eat protein and not exercise. If you're working out to gain muscle, this tears your muscle fibers and the protein is used to repair the fibers. If you don't work out, the protein is going nowhere except your hips.

Is it ok to drink protein shakes if you lift weights?

yes! protein shakes help you build lean muscle. If you work out as well, it will speed up the process and you will build muscle. The best times for taking protein shakes are in the morning and right after working out. When you work out, your muscles tear. The protein shakes fill those tears to help build muscle faster.

How do you get micro tears?

The body heals micro tears on its own. All you can do is rest and not lift any weights for at least 48 hours. Water also helps feed the muscles.

How does nerve gas work?

Nerve gas enters the body when inhailed and it tears the body up from inside out Nerve gas enters the body when inhailed and it tears the body up from inside out

What is used for lifting heavy weights?

Although the details of how it actually occurs at still unknown, muscles react to resistance or weight training by becoming stronger and usually larger. The important point is that weight lifting stimulates growth; in other words, the growth does not occur in the gym but afterwards during recovery as your body adapts to the increased demands you have put on it.

What causes your leg to ach?

after exercising if your leg is aching this is due to delayed onset muscle saweness (DOMS). DOMS is caused by small micro tears in muscle fibres. DOMS can be prevented by warming up and cooling down. another way to avoid them is to have an ice bath.