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Because The Bacteria Infects Your Immune System ! [causin you to be ill]

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Q: How does mold make you sick?
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Will moldy bread harm humans i do not now srry good luck to you humans tat eat it?

Most moldy bread will harm people that eat it. Some mold will not make you sick. Some mold will make you sick. Some mold will make you extremely sick. Unless you know the particular type of mold will not make you sick or kill you, you should not eat it.

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Will drinking tea that has mold make you sick?

Accidentally taking a sip of tea with mold in it will more than likely not make you sick. However, if large amounts were consumed, you could get mold sickness.

How is mold useful to use?

it can make us sick

Can you get sick from inhaling mold dust?

yes it can make you very sick if in contact if it in your air ducts it can also make you very sick

Does mold effects the bread?

tastes worse and will make you sick

Does mold on blueberries make you sick?

Blue mold that is found on food is basically like any other types of mold. There are different strains of mold. If you see blue mold, discard that food.

Could mold cause you to feel sick?

Mold can make you feel sick by following ways:Allergic reactions: AsthmaUrticariaEye irritationSinus congestionFungal infectionsToxic effects of chemical produced by fungi.

Is mold on inside of windows harmful?

mold on inside of windows is very harmful it can make u sick a lot like me lol

Can air conditioners make you sick?

Air conditioners can make you sick because they tend to grow mold. Anytime moisture is involved in a process, it is a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. This can be pumped into the air and give you allergies or a respiratory infection.

How long does bread take before the mold becomes poisinous?

As soon as the mold forms it's poisinous because if you ingest it, it can make you sick.