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Realization and acceptance that the relationship is abusive is a first and important step. But sometimes, especially if the victim is codependent, only professional help can bring about full recovery.

Being lost without the abuser is so common. We become like heroin addicts, we know it kills us, but we need it anyway. The same with living without the abuser. Living with an abuser is like living in a war zone. We are on high alert all the time and become addicted to high levels of stress and adrenalin. We cant stand it, so we leave the abuser. Only to find there's no drama, no adrenalin, no high alert. Life becomes boring. We think we need them, but actually we need time and help to adjust to normality. We have become conditioned to abnormality. Give it time. Try new things. The pain will eventually go. You're worth so much more. Please believe that. Good luck!!

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Q: How does one 'find herself' again once she realizes she is lost within an abusive relationship?
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