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Q: How does one write Robert in greek?
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How do you write yes in greek?

"Yes" in Greek is written as "ναι" (pronounced as "neh").

How do you write thirteen in Greek?

You write, dekatria, or in greek alphabet, δεκατρία.

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How do you write Hades' name in Greek?

Άδη is how you write hades in Greek

Is there a complete collection of Greek God stories in one book?

'The Greek Myths' by Robert Graves is a very thorough one. There must be others, ask at your local library!

What is the best guide to Greek mythology?

'The Greek Myths' by Robert Graves.

How do you write gabrielle in the Greek alphabet?

You write: Γκάμπριελ (Gabrielle) and the translation in Greek is Γαβριέλλα (Ghavriella).

How do you write a Robert Frost poem?

To write a poem in the style of Robert Frost, focus on nature, rural settings, and themes of isolation and introspection. Use simple language and traditional rhyme schemes, such as blank verse or iambic pentameter. Consider exploring universal truths and human experiences in your poem.

How do you write patience in greek?

Patience, in Greek, is ipomoni.

How do you write hello in Greek?

Χαίρετε is hello in Greek.

How do you write in Greek?

Ellinas - Greek man. Ellinida - Greek woman. Ellinika - Greek language.

How do you write the word stoa in greek?

You write it as "στοά"