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for a teenager to get pregnant is bad because most of the time the girl is not responsible enough to take care of the child, and was not responsible enough to make that kind of decision in the first place. if she didnt plan it, she shouldn't have spread her legs for him.whether protected or not there still going to be a possibility.i am a teenage girl. who wanted so badly and nothing more to have a baby. but i realized that my boyfriend isn't able to hold that decision, and neither am i. pregnant teenage girls need alot of money to support both herself and the baby and at a young age,and that's harder than it seems. i wouldn't want to have to have problems with feeding and supporting my baby. or stealing from stores to support the child. and i definitely wouldn't want to give my child up. but those are things you have to think of before getting pregnant. and lots more on top of that.

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12y ago
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14y ago

In 100% of the cases harm is done to their bodies just by getting pregnant. The female body is not fully mature and ready to for pregnancy until age 24. Getting pregnant in the teens does significant harm to a still maturing reproductive system, as well as the immune system. The baby produces an immunal suppression chemical to prevent the body from ejecting the foreign growth taking place inside. At the time of birth, or a miscarriage, the baby has stopped producing this chemical. In a female body that has a still developing immune system, this can cause damage that can affect the rest of their lives, and substantially increasing the chances of developing cancer.

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12y ago

60% drop out of high school and less than 2% have a college degree by the time they are 30. Doing homework with a baby that need attention is not possible. You have to have someone watching them. Not getting to sleep is another thing that makes it hard to concentrate in school and at home.

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11y ago

It affects you & your child because you aren't yet an adult & you probably don't have a stable income & all the things you need to support yourself, let alone a child.. unless you are getting help from your family, or boyfriend/husband. It's hard to raise a child so young.. because it can seem like you're not only cheating yourself but your child of a better life - although you can give them the best over time...

it can affect your education. If you have a baby when you're in high school, you either drop out, or someone has to watch your kids while you are at school. It becomes harder to go to college.. because you have to take care of your kid.. & sometimes.. if you don't have a relationship w/the baby's father, not all guys want to date a girl w/a baby.

It's a hard situation to deal with. & you need alot of support to be able to do your best... For teens to purposely get pregnant while they are so young.. IS a bad decision, but if it happens, it can turn out to change their lives. & make them better people. just depends on the people & the situation..

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11y ago

YES the teenage girl is tender in health not fully developed reproduction organs

and may not be able to bear all the pangs of Pregnancy

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Q: How does teen pregnancy affect the baby of the teen parent?
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How can your baby be affected by teenage pregnancy?

Please see related links. There are many factors of teen pregnancy that can affect the fetus, and factors of teen parenting that can affect the child. Some of these are strictly medical whereas others have more to do with the stress caused by things a teen parent has to deal with. Stress is the most major contributor to health problems in both the mother and child in regards to teen pregnancy and parenting.

What are the concequences of teen pregnancy?

a baby

How does teen pregnancy affect the teen life?

Teen pregnancy change both a male and female teen... Pregnancy and birth can cause slot of stress and may cause you relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend to end. Pregnancy is slot of work and you need to take care of the baby and yourself.... Watch 16 and pregnant ... That might help... Good luck :)

How does teen pregnancy affect your future?

Teen pregnancy drasticly affects your future, you will find it hard to go to school because you will need to take care of the baby so you will probably drop and get a job as a cashier on minimum wage to support your baby and never get your education. Also you wont have time for your friends like you see on tv. So truthfully teen pregnancy will affect your life in so many negative ways

What is the difference between adult pregnancy and teen pregnancy?

teen pregnancy is when your a teen of course but depending on how old you are the baby might not survive birth. Audult is the normal thing just like teens but the baby has more of a chance.

How many teen pregnancies occur in a single parent home?

Growing up in a single parent household increases likelihood of teen pregnancy.

How does teen pregnancy affect the family as a whole?

as a whole most teen's are to immature physically and mentally, emotionally to raise a child so the teen's parent's usually end up raising the child. so it affects them and any sibling's the teen mother may have.

How is teen pregnancy bad for you?

Research and statistics have shown that teen mothers often quit school, live in poverty, and raise their children as a single parent. This is not good for the parent or child.

What percentages of teens that have one baby have another pregnancy as a teen?


Does teen mom affect the rates of teen pregnancy?

We haven't seen that in the statistics but it might come up later.

Is a pregnant teen emancipated once they have their baby?

No, not in any state are you emancipated due to pregnancy or having a baby.

What are some of the main causes of teen pregnancy?

I feel that the causes of teen pregnancy would be having only one parent in that child life, peer pressure, and not having one's on mind to do what supppose to be done