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Poorer people have unbalanced diet. Rich people have a more balanced diet. So poor individuals face health issues due to socioeconomic status.

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Q: How does socioeconomic status affect balance diet?
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In what ways does socioeconomic status affect health?

Socioeconomic status (SES) plays a major role in health. Not only does it affect level of health care, it also affects diet, housing conditions, and environmental conditions that affect health. The higher your socioeconomic status, generally, the better health care coverage you have. This allows you to get routine check-ups, have surgeries without worrying if you can afford it, etc. It also gives you the opprotunity to find a doctor outside of your insurance network; yes, anyone can use a Dr. outside their network, but persons of higher socioeconomic status can afford to pay for the Dr that isn't covered by insurance. Higher SES allows you to live in a home with heat and air conditioning, buy groceries (including meat, and fresh veggies), and more.

What is the subarctic indians diet?

A typical North American diet but with more junk food. The higher level of junk or processed food is more representative of their socioeconomic status than any ancient cultural practice.

What are five factors that affect balance in diet?

1) Calorie intake 2) Calorie expenditure 3) Types of nutrients 4) Persons health status 5) Age, gender, origin(genetics), BMI.

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Lactose in the diet

What do the subarctic indians in canada eat?

A typical North American diet but with more junk food. The higher level of junk or processed food is more representative of their socioeconomic status than any ancient cultural practice.

How does sex affect your balance diet?

unhealthy foods can make it go low and healthy can make it go up

Can diet pills give you a vaginal odor?

Anything you put in your body can affect vaginal odor. This includes diet pills. The ingredients of the diet pill may change the pH balance of the vagina.

It is correct to say balanced diet or balance diet?

Balanced diet

What is a balance deit or what?

a balance diet is one with three or more food groups in your meal or diet. c;

What is a list of fulfilling foods for a diet?

List the essential food a balance diet

What is the importance of balance diet in early childhood development?

it is important that you have a diet. chilren should he a diet too.

Does your gender affect your diet?

no, but it does affect your matabolism