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Metals higher in the series will replace metal ions in solution that are lower in the series

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Q: How does the activity series of metals tell which reactions will occur?
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How can you use an activity series of elements to predict whether a given reaction will occur and what the products will be?

An activity series is used to predict whether metals will displace hydrogen gas from water and acid solutions. It is also used to predict whether metals will displace other metals.

How can a table listing of metals in an activity series be useful for prending whether a chemical reaction will occur?

An activity series of metals can predict whether a replacement (displacement) reaction will occur. You use the activity series to compare the reactivity of different metals in order to predict whether a replacement reaction will occur. A metal that is above another metal in the series will replace that metal in a compound.

What is an activity series and how is it used?

Maghanap ka nalang ulit hahahhahahahahhaha. Xd

Why does Aluminium occur in a form of a compound whereas gold is found in free state?

This is because metals like gold lie at the bottom in the activity series so they are less reactive and are found in the free state, whereas, metals like aluminium, zinc, etc. are found on the top of the activity series so they are highly reactive and are found in the form of compounds.

The activity series list helps predict the products of what kind of reactions?

_Answer">Metals higher in the series will replace metal ions in solution that are lower in the series. AnswerIn general, the more "reactive" (electro-positive) the metallic element, the more stable will be the compounds it forms with other elements. AnswerThe activity series can be used to predict whether or not a reaction will occur -- in other words, a yes-or-no answer. It cannot be used to predict what the products of the reaction are, which is entirely dependent on the specific reactants. See the Related Questions about cupric sulphate and an iron nail for a good description of how to use the activity series to predict if a reaction will happen or not.

How chemicals play an important role in the physiological aspect of the body?

Enzyematic reactions that occur from chemical reactions in the body speed up the activity and physiologically have everything to do with chemical reactions in the body.

When can you determine a chemical reaction will occur?

Thermodynamically favorable reaction will occur. Also, if the neutral element is higher in the activity series than the charged element, then the reaction will occur.

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What helps chemical reactions occur?

A catalyst helps chemical reactions occur.

What happens when lithium reacts with potassium hydroxide solution?

There will be no reaction between the lithium and the potassium hydroxide. However, since the potassium hydroxide is in solution, the lithium will still react with the water to form lithium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. 2Li + H2O --> H2 + LiOH.

Does lead react with tin nitrate?

No, because tin is above lead in the activity series.

What During what cycle do a series of reactions occur in the mitochondria which releases carbon dioxide and produce some ATP?

the Krebs cycle