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Q: How does the ancient Egyptian irrigation system work?
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How does the ancient egyptian government work?

it doesn't work ;)

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How did ancient Egyptians adapt to flooding of the Nile?

I think the answer is that they used an irrigation system. I hope I helped.

Did Ancient Egyptians have leather tanning?

Ancient Egyptian carvings show tanners at work

Do Ancient Egyptian Merchants work with other people?

I think no

What systems was developed in ancient Egypt?

Writing, irrigation, relief work during the floods, burial practices.

Why didn't Sumerians go on living in small villages as their ancestors had?

Because they had to work together to maintain the irrigation system.

Why did the villagers of sumer depend on each other?

The Sumer depended on each other because they had to work together to work the irrigation system

Why did villages of Sumer depend on each other?

The Sumer depended on each other because they had to work together to work the irrigation system

Did ancient Egyptian Pharaohs work a lot?

wouldn't have a clue ! if anyone knows please answer this question propaly

How to do a work of the irrigation of the water or irrigation of drip?

some methord of irrigation for-conserving water

Did ancient egypts men work in fields?

Yes, a large amount of Egyptian life revolved around work in the Nile flood plains