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In humans, a constant internal temperature is maintained by the balancing of metabolic heat with loss to the environment. The primary control center is the hypothalamus in the brain. To increase body temperature in cold conditions, the body can:

  • increase metabolism in the mitochondria of cells (a specialized form of fat called brown fat is used when available)
  • trigger increased activity of the muscles (shivering)
  • constrict the arteries near the skin surface
  • stop the release of sweat
  • contract hair follicles to raise body hairs, trapping a warmer layer of air along the skin

To decrease body heat in warm conditions, the reverse processes occur : decreased metabolism, vasodilation (flushing), increased sweating to cool by evaporation, and relaxation of the hair follicles to expose the skin to the air. Heat loss can also be increased from the lungs by opening nasal passages.

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Q: How does the body maintain a constant temperature?
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Warm blooded animals can maintain a constant body temperature.

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Yes. Being warm blooded mammals, not cold-blooded reptiles, platypuses do maintain a constant body temperature.

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No. All whales are warmblooded mammals which maintain a constant body temperature.

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Warm-blooded animals.

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Which part of brain maintains body temperature?

Your brain helps your body to maintain a constant temperature by detecting temperature receptors that are found in the skin. Temperature is controlled by the hypothalamus.