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Some background on the brain.

The human brain is the focal point of the conscious mind. It is made up of 3 main parts, the cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem. This big mass of neurons is divided into 2 hemispheres, the left and right hemispheres, that are linked by a large, bunch of nerves called the corpus callosum. Each hemisphere has its own functional specializations which correspond to neural mechanisms. The left hemisphere uses sequential, analytical and logical functions while the right hemisphere has more creative, holistic and visual functions. Left and right handed people use both sides of their brains. But, Left-handed people are known to use the right side of their brain more.

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Q: How do the right and left brain work together?
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What does our brain work together to create?


Is grammar left or right brain?

I think it's both. We use the left brain to follow the rules and have logical organization, but we use the right to take our words and constructions and make something artistic and full of feeling.

Which part of the brain controls thinking?

it's either the cerebrum, corpus callosum, or the cerebellum.I'm pretty sure it is the cerebrum

I was born left handed but now use my right hand am I left handed or right handed?

You use your right hand now so who cares if you were born left handed?You should go back to being left handed because being left handed is awesome!AnswerYou may be cross dominant like me. Congratulations. You are ambidextrousYeah you are ambidextrous......You are ambidextrous. Well you should try to be left handed again because that happened to me but I tried to be left handed and it's kinda be a leftie.I'm left handed and I'm OK writing with my right hand but which hand are you better with? If the answer is right, then you would be considered a right handed person, and vice-versa. But I vote that you are left handed (it's cooler). It also means that you use the right side of your brain more, you are more creative and artsy. If you are right handed you use the sign mind, the left side of your brain, you would be better at math, language arts, and stuff like that, basically you would work better with numbers and letters.Ambidextrous.

What are the ten major systems that work together to keep the human body alive?

Brain heart nerves lungs

Related questions

Do the right and the left half of the brain work together at all?

Of course. They work together all the time. It is not that left brain takes care of language and the right brain takes care of numerical calculations. Both hemispheres are bridged by something called as the corpus collosum.

Why the music of Mozart is a healer?

This is because the music of Mozart assists both sides of the brain to work together overcoming the left brain dominance which makes most of us right handed.

Do an owl's eyes work together or separately?

owls eyes do work together and sepretly because when an owl is thinking its brain activity is making the eyes work. if the owl wanted to look left and right and up and down the brain senses it, and it will make the eyes go seprete ways.

What happens to a person who is left hand side paralyzed?

The right side of their brain doesn't work

Why is the left side affected after a brain hemorrhage on the right side?

due to the crossing of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord that cross from left side to right side. For example, motor nerves leaving the brain on the left side will decussate (cross from one side to the other) in the spinal cord so that when they leave the spinal cord, they flow out to muscles on the opposite side of the body.

What does our brain work together to create?


Is grammar left or right brain?

I think it's both. We use the left brain to follow the rules and have logical organization, but we use the right to take our words and constructions and make something artistic and full of feeling.

Which hemisphere of the brain is involved if you were to draw a map to your house?

Both. There's a lot of garbage about specialization of the hemispheres, but unless they're surgically split they work together. And the right-left "jobs" that each specialize in is reversed in many people.

Simple units work together to create what?

the brain

Different parts of the eye and they function?

All the parts of the eye (retina, vitreous, iris, optic nerve, lens, cornea, and pupil) work together by transforming light rays into a signal that your brain can read so that you can have an image/picture in your mind, in other words, you can see.

Which part of the brain controls thinking?

it's either the cerebrum, corpus callosum, or the cerebellum.I'm pretty sure it is the cerebrum

What hemisphere of the brain do creative abilities come from?

Properties of Brain HemispheresCreativity, artistic and musical skills and photographic memories are part of the right cerebral cortex of the brain. Mathematic skills and easy work with numbers and words come from the left hemisphere.