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The immune system provide immunity for your body by fighting off all the illnesses, diseases, and bacteria that enters your body. White blood cells are a part of your immune system.

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11y ago

it meets the need of cells because cells are every where and they just float there and meets the immune system.

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Q: How does the immune system provide immunity?
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What does active immunity?

the immunity that results from the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen.

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It helps it gain immunity

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What does Active immunity means?

the immunity that results from the production of antibodies by the immune system in response to the presence of an antigen.

What does passive immunity mean?

its when immunity is passed on. e.g. colostrum (which boosts the babies immune system) in the mothers milk is drunk by the baby. when the baby drinks the milk it will get colostrum, which you would say is immunity because it greatly helps the immune system.

What does the body make to fight viruses?

Body has got immune system. This immune system or the body immunity forms the antibodies to fight the viruses. The immunity against the viruses is usually life long.

What is active vs passive immunity?

Active immunity occurs when an individual is exposed to the disease causing organism, and the immune system produces antibodies to counteract the disease. Future exposure to the same pathogens will stimulate a rapid response from the immune system to produce antibodies. Passive immunity occurs when an individual receives antibodies instead of inducing the immune system to produce antibodies.

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What are the eight organs of the immune system generally referred to as?

the refereed as the immunity organs