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Really it's sort of a win-win situation for everyone Amid the final battle Captain America comes to the realization that he is fighting against the citizens which he has devoted his life to protect and serve. This realization brings him to a point of surrender and he turns himself over for incarceration. Without his leadership and coordination the rebellion loses its edge and guidance and eventually is overtaken. Tony got what he wanted, his plan from the beginning was to assume control of SHIELD so that when all of the heroes had to register only HE would have knowledge of their secret identities because that's where they were most safe. He is also able to put the American citizens at ease by granting them what they sought after The underground pretty much crumbles on itself but by the time of the Norman Osborn reign thing's are almost as they were before, there isn't an insane amount of super hero discrimination.

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Q: How does the marvel comics civil war end?
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Where can you download marvel civil war scans?

just go and search in the torrents....