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Refrigeration works by drawing heat away from the unit. It does this through a process of evaporation.

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Q: How does the refrigerator or freezer work yo keep things cold?
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How does a refrigerator of freezer work to keep things cold?

This gas in your refrigerator draws heat away and makes the objects cold

Why is freezer colder than the refrigerator?

The freezer is colder then the fridge because the freezer is to keep things frozen and the fridge is to keep things just cold. Somethings are meant to be frozen and if not then they get spoiled or ruined and same with the fridge.

Keeping Things Cool with Refigerator Repair?

If you have a refrigerator that needs to be repaired, look at the simple things before getting a new refrigerator. Make sure there is enough coolant in the system to keep it cold and from not freezing up. If the freezer will not keep things frozen, take everything out clean the inside as well as the door of the freezer. Then set the temperature to the middle. In the summer condensation builds up on the door and will not keep the freezer cold.

What is the function of the freezer?

To keep things cold.

Why did they make a refrigerator?

to keep all the cold or frozen things nice and cold

What materials keep things cold?

Go to Home depot or Canadian tier. Get le fridge. Go to Walmart. STOCK IT WITH THEM WAFFLES >:D

How refrigerator use magnet?

Refrigerators use magnets on the door the keep the cold air in, Same with the freezer door.

What is best refrigerator to buy?

A cold one! Lol! OK, it doesn't matter what refrigerator you get, it atleast keep things cold!

How does a refrigerator or freezer work to keep things cold?

Both the refrigerator and the freezer have fans to keep it at cold temperatures. PV=RT; A compressor raises the pressure of the gas volume V and temperature rises. A fan blows away the heat into the room. Then the gas pressure is dropped in the refrig cold room and the temperature drops in the cold room, PV=RT. The heat in the cold room heats up the gas and the volume goes to the compressorr again, ec,etc,etc.

How do you keep cold things cold?

The best way to keep something cold is to place it in a cooler that is filled with ice. You can also place things underground to keep them cool or place them in a refrigerator.

What is the difference between a refrigerator and a freezer?

An ice box is literally what it says it is, a box that has ice in it. The ice kept the food cool and it had to be replaced on a regular basis, usually daily. A refrigerator uses a compressor and gas cycle to keep the contents cold.

Do frozen mice to to be in a freezer or a just a cold place?

I would assume a freezer since they're meant to keep things frozen. Also, "a cold place" is subjective.