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Uranium is radioactive. Which means its nucleus will emitt an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons) spontaneously. Because the nucleus lost two protons it becomes the element Thorium. Thorium also emitts alpha's and changes to Radium. This process continues; Radium into Radon into Polonium and finally into lead. The final Lead is not radioactive and the process ends. The actual process is a little more complicated because some of these intermediate elements can change by converting a neutron into a proton and emitting an electron (beta radiation), but the basic process is one radioactive element changes into another radioactive element by emitting radiation (alpha's or beta's). The Uranium to Lead Process has a half-life of about 4.5 billion years. Meaning that in 4.5 billion years 1 kilogram of Uranium will have changed to a half kilogram lead and a half kilogram Uranium is still left. This is approximate because there will also be some of those intermediate elements waiting to change.

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Q: What is it called when uranium turns to lead?
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What radioactive element turns to lead when it has lost lots of energy?

It is uranium that is changed into lead during radioactive decay. Note that there are a number of intermediate steps in the conversion of uranium into stable lead. The uranium does not change directly into lead. The uranium atom undergoes decay, and a radioactive daughter product appears. This continues with radioactive daughters appearing at the end of every step - until lead appears.

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Since you have stated that the uranium is pure, it is therefore all uranium and contains no lead; lead is not uranium.

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Uranium has a half life of 5,600 years. After that period, one half of the uranium becomes lead. That is why lead is found in uranium deposits.

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Isotopes of lead are the final products of the decay chain of uranium.

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Uranium becomes lead

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Yes, uranium is more dense (heavier) than lead.

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What element does uranium-238 end up as?

The decay chain in the uranium 238 series (also called radium series) id lead 206 (stable isotope).

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Uranium eventually breaks down into lead.

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Because the end products of uranium decays series are stable isotopes of lead.

The uranium decay chain ends when the final disintergration product is the stable element?

The uranium decay chain ends with lead stable isotopes.