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Because it's a dark foggy night very scary, never knowing what's going to pop up behind you.

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In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," the portrayal of London's foggy and grim weather reflects the sinister and mysterious nature of Mr. Hyde's actions. The dark and foreboding weather adds an atmosphere of suspense and unease, enhancing the mystery surrounding Hyde's transformations and nefarious deeds. Additionally, the weather acts as a symbolic representation of the inner turmoil and conflict within Dr. Jekyll himself.

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How does weather create tension in the story of 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde?

The weather in "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" often reflects the inner turmoil and moral conflict experienced by the characters. Storms and fog, for example, symbolize the chaotic and mysterious nature of Hyde, creating an atmosphere of fear and unease. The changing weather mirrors the shifting identities of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, underscoring the psychological tension in the narrative.

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The connotation used in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is primarily negative. The duality of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde's characters and the events that unfold create an atmosphere of suspense, mystery, and impending doom. The language in the passage evokes feelings of fear, guilt, and moral conflict.

How does stevenson create tension in the story of 'Dr. Jekyll and mr hyde'?

He makes it look like that Jekyll and Hyde are two different people and when the reader sees this he knows they are the same person and when Utterson looks at the case it makes it look like he does not know anything about the fact that they are the same person.

Why does Jekyll believe its okay to create Hyde?

Jekyll did not necessairly intend to create another personality inside himself. What he was trying to do is prove the his formula, HJ7, could eliminate all evil from someones personality but that backfired and brought out Jekylls evil side, Hyde.

Who discovered that mr. hydes letter was actually writtin by dr. jekyll?

Mr. Utterson discovers that Mr. Hyde's letter was actually written by Dr. Jekyll when he notices that the handwriting in both documents is the same. This revelation plays a crucial role in unraveling the mystery of the relationship between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in Robert Louis Stevenson's novella "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde."

Who does jekyll's will initially specify as his heir?

Jekyll's will specifies that Mr. Hyde is his sole heir.

Is the last chapter of jekyll and hyde an anticlimax?

Some readers may find the last chapter of "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" to be anticlimactic because it primarily consists of the resolution of the mystery in a letter from Jekyll. However, it also serves to provide closure to the story and reveal the truth about Jekyll and Hyde's relationship, which can be satisfying for others. Ultimately, whether the last chapter feels like an anticlimax depends on the reader's expectations and interpretation.

How much pages does jekyll and hyde have?

In the hard cover blue book of Jekyll and Hyde there are about 82 pages.

The good side of Mr Hyde becomes Dr?

In the story of the "Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Dr. Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde and visa versa. The story is associated with dissociative identity disorder where Dr. Jekyll represents the good in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde represents the evil side in Dr, Jekyll.

Is Jekyll And Hyde A Book?

Yes, "Jekyll and Hyde" refers to the novella "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson, which was first published in 1886. It explores the duality of human nature through the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

What does Mary Reilly and 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde' have in common?

Mary Reilly is a retelling of Robert Louis Stevenson's 'The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde' from the perspective of a housemaid. Both stories explore themes of duality, morality, and the darker aspects of human nature through the character of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

What aspects of Hyde's persona were attractive to Jekyll?

Hyde's freedom from societal constraints, lack of inhibitions, and uninhibited expression of Jekyll's repressed desires were likely attractive to Jekyll. Hyde embodied the darker, more primal aspects of Jekyll's personality that he struggled to acknowledge or express openly. Jekyll was drawn to Hyde's ability to act without fear of consequences or judgment.