

Best Answer

Jecri says:

Dog's hair grows at approximately 1/2 inch every six weeks. Vitamin C supplements and B complex also helps in the growth of your dog's hair.

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Q: How fast does a dog's hair grow after being shaved?
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Your hair will grow back at the normal rate it always grows at, provided you aren't balding.

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If you do it now, it should be completely back by October or November.

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Shaved hairs grow back really fast...usually 1 day. I hope that helped!

How does hair know to grow longer when shaved?

Natural farts.

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Pubic hair when first grown and after being shaved will be itchy. There is nothing much you can do to stop that. Try not to scratch though.

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boxers stop growing at 9 months to 1 yr old FillyPup

How fast does eyebrow hair grow back?

well if u have waxed them it should take about 3months to fully grow back or if shaved then in about 4 days if tweezed the 64 days.

Why shaved hair grows longer?

Saved hair does not grow longer

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Many factors contribute to this answer. Generally speaking, it should take about a week, or a few hours if you're italian.

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Either she keeps on shaving, or her hair will grow back to the point they were before she shaved, simply.

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