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a 1973 bug on a flat interstate will go 80

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14y ago

The Australian Tiger Beetle runs 170 Body lengths a second. (About 5.7 mph). If a Human could run at the same pace,He/She could run 340 km/mph!

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7y ago

The guiness world record people clocked a beetle going 103 mph

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Q: How fast does an Australian tiger beetle run?
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How fast are tiger beetles?

The fastest species of tiger beetle can run at 5.6 miles per hour. Compared to its size, it is the equivalent of a human running at 480 miles per hour. In fact, they run so fast they have to stop regularly to look at their surroundings and see where they are going.

How fast does a white tiger run?


How fast can a tiger wolf run?

The thylacine, sometimes called a tiger wolf, is extinct and does not run now.

How fast does the tiger run in miles per hour?

A tiger can run up to 35 miles per hour.

What makes a tiger run fast?

this cat can run about 77 mph!

Is tiger fast?

it is fast it can go about 30 miles per hour and it is strong but a lion can tear a tiger in to shreds.

How fast does an tiger run?

They run 35-40 miles per hour, but only for short distances.

How fast can an alapca run?

An alpaca can run very fast. They run slower than a cheetah. Alpacas run faster than a zebra, spotted hyena, elk, and white tiger.

How does a white tiger get there pray?

they camouflage and then jumo out and run fast and pounce on their prey

What is the relationship between tiger shark and human?

they all run & swimm fast

What is Large green flying insect with leaf-like sides?

Sounds like a Japanese beetle. Fun to hit out of the air with a tennis racket!The beetle grubs spend a long time underground eating your grass roots, so they are a pest insect.It might also be a large water beetle, which are not harmful but will bite!Hope this helps!

if a cheetah and a tiger went in a fight who would win?

cheetah would win cause they are so fast that they would be able to give the tiger scars so fast that the tiger would give up and they can even run away from the tiger