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About 18.5 miles per second.

Go figure: distance to sun = 93 million miles
so orbit length is 186 x pi million miles = 584,336,000 miles
and it takes us a year to go that far
Well, not really. If Earth's orbit were a circle, that would be correct, but it's not. Since it's an ellipse, the distance of the Earth to the Sun changes, as well as it's speed around the Sun. Some months it's moving faster than others. But that is an average speed.

The above answer did not take into consideration the orbit pivotal point of the earth is at the center of the sun, so to get a more accurate speed, you would have to add the radius of the sun (432,450 miles) to the average distance to the sun due to the elliptical orbit (92,955,887.6miles).
So let's reconfigure:
Average Distance to the center of the sun = 93,379,337.6 miles
Distance earth travels in a year around the sun = 586,795,757,48 miles
Distance earth travels in a day around the sun = 1,606,559.23 miles
Distance earth travels in a an hour around the sun = 66,939.97miles
Distance earth travels in a minute around the sun =1,115.67miles
Distance earth travels in a second around the sun = 18.59 miles

Granted that 0.09 miles doesn't seem alike a lot of distance but that is an additional 475.2 feet a second.

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14y ago
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11y ago

From the point of view of an observer at the sun's location and facing one

distant star, the Earth's average speed would be something close to 66,600 mph,

or 18.5 miles per second. It all comes down to: Once per 365.25 days.

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13y ago


Using the word 'spinning' adds a little confusion to the question. [Or perhaps it is including the idea of 'orbit' that lends confusion.] One could say that the earth's orbital motion around the sun is a 'spin', and one could say that the earth's movement around its axis is a 'spin'. It's not perfectly clear whether you are asking about the earth's rotational velocity around its axis, or the velocity of its revolution around the sun. Regarding its axis, the earth rotates roughly 465.1 meters per second, using earth's sidereal rotational period in the calculation. The orbital velocity of the earth is about 29,783 kilometers per second.


It takes 365 days ,6 hours ,9 minuites ,and 9.54 second to make full orbit.

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13y ago

The radius of the earth's orbit is 1 au (astronomical unit). The circumference is 2*pi*1 au. It takes one year to complete the orbit, so the speed is 2*pi au/year. I know you don't want the answer in au/year, so I'll convert it to miles per second or some other useful measure, about 18.5 miles per second, or 179 million furlongs per fortnight

Strangely enough, this is also about pi/1000000000000000000000 lightyears per nanosecond, but I recommend you stick with 18.5 miles/second.

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10y ago

The sun does not orbit itself. It does spin, however, with the equatorial region spinning slightly faster than the polar regions. The sun rotates about once every 24 days.

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15y ago

29.8 kilometers per second or 18.5 miles per second

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15y ago

The earth revolves the sun in approximately 365 days, hence, why 365 days is equal to a year. The earth makes one rotation in approximately 24 hours, hence, why 24 hours is one day.

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