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The Earth does NOT spin round the Sun. It orbits the Sun. Its mean orbital speed is approximately 66,000 miles per hour. This speed can vary depending on how close or far the Earth is from the Sun .

The Earth orbits the Sun in an elliptical manner. The Sun lies at one of the foci of the ellipse, not the centre. Consequently we are nearer to the Sun at apogee and further away at perigee. At our nearest to the Sun we are moving at our fastest, conversely, at our furthest from the Sun we are moving at our slowest. This change of velocity (acceleration) is balanced by gravity, so that we do NOT fall into the Sun .

Have a look in Wikipedia, under Johannes Kepler. , who discovered that the Earth 'sweeps equal arcs in equal times'.

Our rotational speed at the Equator is 1,000 miles per hour. The further away from the Equator, the slower the speed, till at the poles you rotate on the spot. At lititudes 60 degrees N & S our rotstional speed is 500 miles per hour.

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A) The Earth rotates or spins at over 1000 miles per hour, (at the Equator, 0 at the Poles), taking 24 hours, our day, to make one rotation.

B) The Earth revolves around our star "The Sun," at 30 kilometers a second or 67,000 miles per hour, taking one year to make one revolution.

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Does how fast earth spins effect gravity?

There is no effect to gravity due to earth fast spins because gravity is other thing and spin of earth is different thing. So we could not compare to each other. Gravity is made of mass of earth and spin of earth is due to sun, as earth revolving around the sun.

Does the earth spin around the moon or the sun?

The moon spins around the earth once a month. The earth spins around the sun once a year and the earth spins on it axis once a day giving rise to night and day. So in answer to your question the earth spins around the sun and the moon spins around the earth.

Where does the earth get energy to spin around the sun?

The Earth gets energy from the little elves and pixies that ride elephants and do your mum at night which vibrates the ground and turning it into mineclium energy that turns the Earth around the Sun.

IF the earth is attracted to the sun what keeps it from falling into the sun?

The Earth does not fall into the sun because it is moving fast enough around it. Imagine a weight on the end of a string like a conker, with the weight being the earth, and where you hold the string being the sun. If you swing it around fast enough, the weight spins in circles and does not go near your hand, but if you swing it slowly, the weight will fall in. So because the earth is spinning fast enough around the sun, it does not fall in.

Why doesn't the Earth fall into the Sun?

The Earth does not fall into the sun because it is moving fast enough around it. Imagine a weight on the end of a string like a conker, with the weight being the earth, and where you hold the string being the sun. If you swing it around fast enough, the weight spins in circles and does not go near your hand, but if you swing it slowly, the weight will fall in. So because the earth is spinning fast enough around the sun, it does not fall in.

Related questions

How fast does earth spin around sun?

In its orbit around the Sun, the Earth moves at about 30 km/sec.

What does revolution mean in the Earth?

it means how fast the earth spins once and how much it takes to spin around the sun

What does earth spin around?

The sun.

Does how fast earth spins effect gravity?

There is no effect to gravity due to earth fast spins because gravity is other thing and spin of earth is different thing. So we could not compare to each other. Gravity is made of mass of earth and spin of earth is due to sun, as earth revolving around the sun.

What does the earth spin around?

The earthnspins aroun the sun

What does earth do when it spin on its axis?

On its axis Earth rotates around the sun.

Does the sun and moon spin around the earth?

No, the Earth and the Moon revolve together around the Sun. (The Moon orbits the Earth and both orbit the Sun together.)

How long does it takes for earth spin around the sun?

About 365.26 days

Is the earth's rotation around the sun contant?

Rotation refers to spin around the axis.

Is the earth revolving slow or fast around the sun?

The Earth spins on a 23.5 degree angle and takes 24 hours to do one spin or 23hours and 56 minutes to be exact. But the earth takes 365.5 days (year) to do a complete circuit of the sun.

How does the earth spin and rotate?

no the earth spins on it's axis while rotating around the sun

How many days does the Earth spin around the sun?

It takes approximately 365 days (1 year) for the Earth to orbit the Sun.