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Not helpful at all - it is a quack medicein, literally "snake oil" - see link below.

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Q: How helpful is python fat for psoriasis?
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It helps mine

What is the best treatment for psoriasis on the eyelids?

I hear that natural olive oil and UV light can be very helpful for psoriasis and I don't think it will be to dangerous if a little get in the eyes. Ask your Dr I am not an MD

Are there any websites that can help me find psoriasis diet?

Weight loss can decrease levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), which is produced by the body in response to inflammation. This is very helpful in fighting psoriasis. A healthy diet is excellent. Losing weight is also an advantage to battling psoriasis.

Where can I read about special diets for people with psoriasis?

Sometimes psoriasis is linked to being overweight. There are special diets that can be followed to help avoid the symptoms which includes avoiding foods high in fat.

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Why do they call Belgium people buffalo's?

Because they are fat Belgian badgered. -Montie Python

What is the health benefit of python fat?

there is actually poison inside the fat which can reduce the amount of food that turns into fat. this substance is not dangerous for the human body however if eaten to much it will slowly eat through the stomach lining and go into the blood stream. the healthy maximum is 2.5 grams this much python fat will reduce 5kg a week

Do pythons eat sloths?

I doubt it as sloths are extremely nasty animals.

What is the DSM IV code for psoriasis?


How to you say psoriasis in french?

C'est le psoriasis.

Is Psoriasis a bacteria?

No, psoriasis is not caused by a bacterium, or an infection of any kind.

What are the success rates for fat camps?

While it is not known what the exact success rate is for fat camps, it is common that fat camps are very helpful for overweight people.