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One opinion:

Not important at all. Most people had a bath once a year if that. It was a very dirty time all the way around. There was no running water so that means that to get hot water for a bath that someone had haul water from a water source, heat it, and them put it in some sort of tub. There was also no privacy for people and people didn't wash clothing as well. I saw one little painting of Henry VIII in Warwick castle ( this is after the middle ages, but it reflects what I am talking about). The painting was only of his bust with his hands in the forefront and it was his hands that I found most interesting. The artist had painted what he saw and he saw a man in red velvet with fur and a big hat on, but he also saw hands that were embedded with grime and dirt. The fingernails were broken or with dirt under them. He had painted it with such detail that you knew that this man was not clean.

A differing opinion:

Bathing was very important during the Middle Ages. Cleanliness was considered an important Christian virtue, and being clean was very important for social status, even among the poorer people. Rich people owned their own bath tubs, which were filled with hot water by servants. Poorer people used public baths, if they lived in town or in a village that at them. People who had no access to baths bathed in brooks or ponds.

During the early Renaissance, people began to believe that bathing was unhealthy. They learned to clean only those parts of their bodies that showed, and depended on changing clothing to clean the rest. Wealthy people could afford to change clothing regularly, and could also afford perfume, which had become popular.

The idea that the Middle Ages were a time when people were dirty and smelly seems to have arisen in the Renaissance, a time when it was popular to demean medieval people.

There is a link below to the section of an article on bathing that deals with the history of bathing in Western Europe.

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Q: How important was bathing during the middle ages?
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