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An inclined plane reduces friction when kinetic energy is present. If the object is in motion down the ramp, then there would be gravity assisting it downwards. The normal force would decrease, as well as the friction. For rough surfaces there usually is more friction than smooth surfaces. For instance, if a car travels on an unpaved road, it travels slower due to friction. Compare that to a paved road and the car moves a lot faster.

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How would the amount of force that is needed to put the load up the inclined plane be reduced?

Reduce the friction

Is any flat surface an inclined plane?

No. A flat surface which is horizontal is not an inclined plane.

Can a liquid experience friction?

As liquid flows on an inclined surface there will be frictional force between the bottom most layer and the surface of inclined plane. More over there will be a friction between the successive layer of the liquid. This is termed as viscous force.

What is a inclined plane and example?

An example of an inclined plane is a ramp, slanted road, or a slide. An inclined plane is a surface that is at an angle against a horizontal surface.

Why is a ramp a n inclined plane?

A ramp is an inclined plane because an inclined plane is a set of a surface set at an angle that is not a right angle. In which a ramp is an inclined plane!

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an inclined plane

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An inclined plane

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Do the surface types on an inclined plane affect the speed of a hot wheel on an inclined plane?

I have no idea why.

What is the inclined plane made out of?

The Inclined Plane is made out of any material that is positioned at an angle to a surface.

Which surface gives the least friction?

Plane surface with negligible friction.

Is the wheels on your chair an inclined plane?

No they are not. An inclined plane is a flat surface which has a slope to it i.e. it is flat but not level.