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My friend, Fiji isn't exactly separated by race. Missionaries came and set up schools. So depending where you lived that's what you were, unless you were a fijian of Indian descent then you might still hold onto Hinduism. But in my family, which is pretty big, we have everything from Catholics, methodists, and protestants.

Just depends what school you went too

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Q: How is Fiji divided by religion?
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People from Fiji what religion are they?

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What is Fiji's religion?

Christianity ------------------------- Not necessarily, Fiji has not been declared a Christian country although there have been many articles in the Fiji Times around it. Fiji is actually a multi racial society with people of all different religions free to practice their own publicly. There is not one religion alone in Fiji and no religion dominates the other.

Is Fiji divided into provinces states and regions?

Fiji is divided administratively into four divisions, which are further subdivided into fourteen provinces

What is the religion of Fiji?

53 percent Christian, 38 percent Hindu, and 8 percent Muslim.

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Hindi is a religion.India and Fiji ar mostly incorporated in this religion. India is in Asia and Fiji is in Oceania.

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Fiji is a diverse island country with many people of many races which they bring with them their religion and culture. More then 52% of the total population in Fiji are Christians while the rest are Hindus, Muslims, Skhis, and Bhuddist.

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Does Fiji have a princess?

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umm .