

How is HIV related to AIDS?

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Q: How is HIV related to AIDS?
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How are hicv and aid's related?

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. AIDS is the final stage of HIV disease.

Which do you get first AIDS HIV or AIDS related diseases?

People contract HIV first. In time, they will develop AIDS-related diseases such as Kaposi's sarcoma or PCP (pneumocistis carinii pneumonia). Once they have AIDS-related diseases, they are typically diagnosed as having AIDS.

How is chlamydia related to HIV and AIDS?

No. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that is sexually transmitted. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

How does blood related to HIV and AIDS?

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is transmitted through contact with infected blood.

What is the importance of epidemiology in HIV AIDS?

The importance of studing hiv and aids The importance of studing hiv and aids

Are there vaccinations for HIV or AIDS?

There are no vaccinations for HIV or AIDS.

Who can get HIV AIDS?

anybody can get HIV and then move on to aids.

Is it true that if you are infected with AIDS then you have HIV?

Correct...HIV can lead to AIDS and AIDS can only be caused be the HIV virus.

How is aids and HIV different?

HIV is an early form of aids. Every one who has AIDS had HIV at one point.

What is the difference between having HIV and Aids?

HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. Hence, HIV in the virus and AIDS is the disease that results from the virus.

What are the impacts of HIV AIDS on crop production?

HIV/AIDS has many impacts on crop production around the world. HIV related health conditions can severely affect a person's ability to be as productive as those who do not suffer from the disease.

How is HIV diffetent from aids?

HIV is a virus; AIDS is a disease.