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Both mammals and birds:

1. are warm-blooded.

2. are amniotes.

3. are vertebrates with skeletons.

4. have their bodies covered with a keratin-based substance.

5. have a four-chambered heart and a closed circulatory system.

6. have many internal organs, such as brains, hearts, lungs*, bronchi, bronchioles, esophagi, stomachs, intestines, livers, bones, muscles, gallbladders**, and kidneys.

7. have some flightless species and some species that can fly.

8. are tetrapods by descent, although some mammals (e g cetaceans) have lost some limbs.

*Birds' lungs have parabronchi rather than alveoli

**Not all mammals have gallbladders

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12y ago

It also breathes air and lives in the water

It is a marine animal.

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15y ago

They both glide smoothly through their surroundings. They both have a brain and a stomach. A whale swimming is about as effortless as an albatross' glide.

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10y ago

The only similarity which Icould find is they both are vertebrates.

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