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Plants tend to grow long and spindly as they are trying to reach the light. Growth can be stunted because there is more competition for the available nutrients and water. Plants can be more susceptible to diseases and insect attack because they are in a weakened state.

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Q: How is a plant's growth affected when it is over crowded?
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Weeds affect plant growth because they are often invasive and can take over quickly the space needed by plants to develop properly. Weeds also can deprive plants of important nutrients that can cause plants to be weak and susceptible to disease or infestations.

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You can research on the Internet plants growth over time and then grow your own plant that you play music on regularly and compare the two.

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How does overcrowding affect plants height?

The plants are forced to compete for the available light, water, and nutrients. If overcrowded, none of them get the right amounts of each. Also, they cannot develop their natural shape if crowded together or forced to grow upward in search of light.