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In a nutshell, compost is made through the decomposition of organic matter. Once something is completely decomposed, some of the original object will have turned into gas (carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, hydrogen), some into liquid runoff, and there will also be left over a completely stabilized black crumbly substance called humus (pronounced hyo͞o'məs) which is what determines how dark soil is, and is what contains the nutrients which plants feed off of. So compost has always been constantly produced by nature, but when someone makes compost in a compost bin they're trying to control the process of decomposition in order to make the most valuable end product. The way one does this is by balancing the mixture of "green" material with "brown" material so that the Carbon:Nitrogen ratio (how many parts carbon there are to one part nitrogen) stays ideally around 30:1, making sure the compost is always damp, and making sure there's always a supply of oxygen. This ensures that the smallest amount of gas and liquid is produced as possible and that by the end there will be a far higher percentage of the nutrient-rich humus then if you just put a pile of rotting fruit on the ground. It is gold for the garden, an excellent way to recycle organic matter, and really quite easy. Anything you need to know about compost is readily available at gardening sites, wikipedia, or the library, and if you're interested, then believe me you can do it.

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7y ago

Designation of a location accessible for check-ups and drop-offs, away from traffic and wildlife, out of direct sunlight and unaffected by winds is the way to make a compost heap at home. The pile serves as an uncontained heap of carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables whose advantages are maximum exposure to aeration and support to activator or compostable additions, layer turns, supplemental irrigation and temperature checks. The unconfined, unsheltered compost heap works best in locations not known for stress, traffic or winds.

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11y ago

it is made up by the decomposing of biodegradable waste worms like humus

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Is there humidity in a compost heap?

Yes, to make good compost you need to make sure it stays moist.

Can rabbit poo go on the compost heap?

Absolutely. ^_^ Rabbit droppings make GREAT compost!

What should you do if potatoes sprout in the compost heap?

You either turn them over so they compost or you let them grow and use them. It is better to remove potatoes from your compost heap turning them over will make no difference.

Why does a compost heap feel hot in the middle?

A compost heap is hot in the middle because this is where the microbes are starting to break down the material in the compost heap and as part of their process they generate heat.

You make extra filter coffee everyday what can you use it for?

add it to your compost heap

What things are supposed to go in a compost heap?

the things that go in a compost heap are a variety of things, don't put food in, or moist things, use brown items such as soil, manure and green items such as vegetable waste. also put in lime, because the alkali from the lime will counter the acid which is made from decomposing the items of the compost heap. make sure to put extra soil in aswell because that is where the organisms are that make the compost heap work. :)

Why does a compost heap have slits at the bottom?

A compost heap has slits at the bottom so that oxygen can circulate through the dirt.

What is the difference between a compost heap and a compost pit?

A compost heap is a pile of composting material that is in a pile on the ground. A compost pit is dug into the ground and the composting material is placed in it.

How do humans utilize decomposers?

to make a compost heap By Key Nob ... bhs xP

Why do you need gaps in the side of the frame of the compost heap?

A compost heap is either anearobic or aerobic. Anaerobic bacteria are usually quite smelly, so to encourage aerobic bacteria, the compost heap supports are designed to allow air to get at as much as possible of the compost, by having gaps between them.

What is the difference between compost pile and compost pit?

A compost pile is compost in a pile or heap. a compost pit is compost in a pit or hole in the ground.

What is the microorganism called in compost heap?
