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The coal is crushed and fed to a boiler where it burns to create a lot of heat. The heat is used to turn water to steam at high pressure. The high pressure steam is fed through turbines causing them to turn shafts attached to huge magnets which spin within coils to induce the flow of electricity. Most of the time the magnets are electromagnets and use some of the current produced by the generator to power the magnet (self-excited).

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Q: How is electricity produced at a coal burning power plant?
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electricity is produced by the power of falling water. This power drives the turbines the hydro power plant is equipped with. This turbine is connected to a electrical device producing electricity.

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Electricity from solar power is the same as electricity from a coal-burning power plant. It's all the same, and it can be used to power anything that runs on electricity.

How do you use water electricity?

Electricity is electricity . . . it does not matter whether it was created by falling water, burning coal or oil, or by a nuclear power plant.

Where you get your electricity from and how your electricity is produced?

your electricity in your home comes from wires under ground or on power lines. it comes from the power company that gets it from wind, solar, nuclear, hydroelectic dams, or from burning coal.

How electricity is produced in a power plant?

In a nuclear power plant, the heat energy released from fission is used to change water into steam. the steam then turns the blades of a turbine to generate electricity.

The electricity energy that is transferred in a TV comes from a power stationwhere is the energy transferred from to make the electricity in the power station?

Depends on what kind of power station it is, can bea nuclear power plant, a coal-burning power plant, a wind turbine, or a hydroelectric power station.

Which of these conservation tactics is the best way to reduce the pollution produced by a coal-burning power plant?

Install scrubbers in the power plant.

How does a thermal plant work?

A thermal power plant is where electricity is produced by steam turning turbines which drive generators. The steam can come from burning any kind of fuel, namely, fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), or nuclear fusion. It can also come from renewable energy (solar, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass and biofuel).

What are the factories called that process electricity?

electricity is made in a power plant.

How do nuclear power plant owners generate revenue from their reactors?

By selling the electricity generated from the heat of the reactor. Same as fossil fuel power plants do, sell electricity generated from the heat of burning.

How much electricity is produced by nuclear power?

1.7% of Pakistan electricity is produced by nuclear power stations