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No, Venus Flytraps are not a threat to humans, we are too big to be eaten. However, you might not want to get your finger stuck in one of their traps because it might be painful getting yourself out the prickly exit.

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theyre not

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Q: Are fly traps dangerous to humans?
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Do people eat fly traps?

why would people eat venus fly traps, the fly traps eat insects.

Do Venus's fly traps have gas?

I don't think venus fly traps have gas.

Where there any Venus fly traps in the renaissance period Were they in any paintings?

no there were no venus fly traps. but there where paintings.

Is a spider dangerous?

If you are a fly, certainly. However, the majority of spiders are non-poisonous to humans.

How do plant traps fly?

Venus Flytraps do not fly.

Why do venus fly traps glow blue?

venus fly traps glow blue because of how much nutrients they have

Does a Venus Fly Trap hurt when they bite people?

Generally not with the standard small Venus Fly traps.

Do humans relay on venus fly traps in any way?

yes they use them for catching fruit flies and flys and flying insects like that

What do fly traps eat?


What animal sets traps?

Humans are the only animals who set traps

Do Venus fly traps have eukarotic cells?

Yes, they do!! Venus fly traps are plants, and hence, they have eukaryotic cells. Hope this helps (:

Do smelly fly traps work?
