

Best Answer

N's are not mentally ill, NPD is a personality disorder People who are N are aware of what they are doing, they just don't care as long as they get what they want.

Narcissists are capable of love! They just don't have the same behavior patterns as most of us and consider the person they love as "their property" to do as they wish with. The jury is out as far as psychiatrist trying to figure out if Narcissism is genetic or a learned habit. It comes under a "condition" rather than mental illness. The narcissist is a controller, feels they are much more intellectual than those around them and can be dramatic at making a point of making others believe their solution to any problems or any quote they make is the right one and everyone else is wrong! There than making their point clear to driving everyone around them crazy, they are actually socially inept and often loners. If someone says they were in a bad car accident and were hospitalized for 2 weeks the narcissist will concoct or bring up a memory of a past similar event and embellish on it. In other words their car accident was far worse than the person they are talking too. Narcissists entangle their victims in a web of deceit and instill fear into their victim. They seldom will go for counseling because although they will admit to a psychiatrist/psychologist they know nothing about either, they will continue on in an egomaniacal manner and consider psychiatrist/psychologist inferior and thus, few if any narcissistic people are every helped.

If you know one, are dating one, living with one, end the relationship.

Another answer

I hope whoever wrote the above reads this. You have summed up a lot for me, and articulated it well. I am in the very relationship you described. The pain he has inflicted on me is immeasurable. I understand why abused women stay in the relationship now. I tell him we have a bipolar relationship: the ups are orgasmically high, and the downs make me suicidal. And I usually get to experience both multiple times a day. I would like to add that I believe the narcissist is aware of what to hide in the beginning of a relationship. They know if they show their true colors initially, no one would ever be with them. I do believe he's capable of love, but not as defined by everyone else. And when he is hurt, he lashes out with the absolute cruelest verbal abuse. I can't believe anyone who claims to love another would ever say those things. I never have. There is a line in any relationship, be it marriage, friendship, working, that does vary, but should never be crossed if one wants to maintain that relationship. And you are right, everyone should be warned. But like I said, it isn't always apparent until it is too late. This man is my addiction.

Another answer

They are so self absorbed and controlling, they start believing the scenario they create in their own minds and that is their way of being. Mental illness often has to do with an imbalance in the brain that is naturally chemically deprived. Narcissists can be mentally ill, too, but that is not the same. People can become narcissistic all on their own. The world is out to get them, you know.

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Q: How is it that Narcissists are incapable of love and emotions are they mentally ill?
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Empathically not. Narcissists are incapable of loving. Idealization - the unrealistic, fantasic, pathological, and utilitarian adulation of a source of narcissistic supply - has nothing to do with love.

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Narcissists love only themselves.

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Learn as much as you can about the "disorder"...until you finally believe that it is not about you. Just remember that those who are narcissists are not mentally stable and cannot truly love ANYONE.

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Narcissists can love, but it's a twisted sense of love and one more of possession and controlling mentally (sometimes physically) of their mate. They are incapable of normal love and want to commit yet can't. They haven't forgotten what they've said, but are playing mind-games. Narcissists detest showing any semblance of emotion and you must have caught him with his guard down. It's made him angry and he MUST start to control himself (in his own mind.) He's going to be very guarded from now on. If you want to save yourself pain then run! Don't look back and whatever you do, don't marry him!

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No. Lord Voldemort was incapable of love.No.

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They are narcissists. They are narcissistic. They have narcissism.

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In a way yes they do, but you can't tell really. they show there emotions physically not mentally though.

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Probably. He was incapable of love.

Can narcissists fall in love?

They are already in love with the only person they will ever be in love with and that is- themselves. if it seems that they are in love with you they are not. they have become experts at faking love and sometimes, since they don't know what love feels, they mistake their need and love for attention (from which they get from their supply/mate) with the feeling they have towards their mate. Basically they think they love you but they actually love what you are giving them (attention, money etc,) not you.

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How do snakes show love?

They don't ! To show love - you have to understand what emotions are. Reptiles have no concept of the meaning of emotions.