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Fluid balance.The presence of blood protein molecules, such as albuminsand globulins, are critical factors in maintaining the proper fluid balance between cells and extracellular space. Proteins are present in the capillary beds, which are one-cell-thick vessels that connect the arterial and venous beds, and they cannot flow outside the capillary beds into the tissue because of their large size. Blood fluid is pulled into the capillary beds from the tissue through the mechanics of oncotic pressure, in which the pressure exerted by the protein molecules counteracts the blood pressure . Therefore, blood proteins are essential in maintaining and regulating fluid balance between the blood and tissue. The lack of blood proteins results in clinical edema , or tissue swelling, because there is insufficient pressure to pull fluid back into the blood from the tissues. The condition of edema is serious and can lead to many medical problems.

Read more: Protein - food, nutrition, deficiency, needs, body, diet, absorption, health, fat, nutrients, carbohydrates, vitamin, amino, acids, weight, water, Amino Acids

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Human body has a self regulating mechanism called Homeostasis which maintains a steady internal environment. The human kidney is a good example of an organ which regulates the body fluids by homoeostatic. When there is extra fluid available in our body, the blood vessels in the kidney expands and thus large amount of water is excreted through urine. The skin also excretes excess of water through perspiration.

In the absence of enough body water, kidney blood vessels constricts and this prevents loss of water from the body. At the same time when less water is available in our body the skin blood vessels constricts and thus preventing the escape of water from our body as sweat.

The same phenomena occur in winter season where we excrete large amount of urine volume and just the reverse in winter season. In summer season we excrete more sweat than that of winter season. This is a mechanism where our body maintains body fluid.

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