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they both detect the distance from the object.

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Q: How is radar like echolocation?
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What law enforcement tool that combines echolocation with the Doppler Effect?

radar gun

What animal has a built-in radar?

Radar. You might mean echolocation. Bats are a good example

How don't bats bump into things?

they actually can see quite well... and plus they use echolocation so sound bounces off any near object like radar in a submarine

What does radar look like?

like a poke radar

What is the importance of sound for bats?

Echolocation they send out a sound and via echolocation (like sonar) they determine their position and the location of their prey

What does poke radar look like?

like a poke radar

Bats can barely see so how they find their way around?

bats use a sense called echolocation. not all bats have it. the fruit bat or the flying foxes don't have it. echolocation sends out squeaks or clicks through their mouth, but some like the leaf-nosed bats send out through their nostrils.

What is echlocation?

Echolocation is a type of radar bats use to fly blind. The bats send out pulses of super sonic sound and navigate by the speed of the pulses return from what they bounced ( echoed ) off.

Use echolocation in a sentence?

"Bats use echolocation to move around." Is a sentence using echolocation

How do you use echolocation in a sentences with context clues?

Bats find their way around via echolocation because they are blind and cannot navigate like other animals.

How do you use echolocation in a sentences?

Bats use echolocation.

How does dolphin get or catch its food?

The way dolphins find food is by Echolocation. Echolocation means that an animal finds food by using sounds to find things, like bats