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New technology like the internet and computer make websites like facebook possible. Facebook also known as the social network allows people to communicate and socialize in a completely revolutionary way. Facebook is just one example among many that show how technology can be used for socialization.

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Q: How is technology an agent for socialization?
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the agent of socialization are the people who socialize while agencies of socialization are the place where socialization take place

How is internet an agent of socialization?

= "How is internet an agent of socialization?" = Because many people around the world are on at one time and they can talk to each other through IMing and other things

Define school as a social institution?

School is a social institution because it is a socialization agent. A socialization agent is an institution that plays a role in assimilating the younger people into the structure of a specific society.

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agencies of socialisation it is the place how practises the agent of socialisation his works

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A peer group that have various things in common including age, social positions, or interests have an influence of the socialization of the members of the group. They can act as an agent of socialization by teaching gender roles supporting each other, and providing a different perspective.

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Work is considered to be an agent of socialization. People are able to meet at workplace and socialization is promoted between the various individuals in a particular work station.

The first and most important agent of socialization for young children is?

b- the family

How is the state agent of socialization?

it sets up the rules and laws in the society