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It is usually dry and cold in the winter on the eastern side of the mountains. Along the coast it is cool and wet in the winter. and fat

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Q: How is the Climate in the Canadian Cordillera Region?
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What is the population of the Canadian Cordillera region?


Why is the climate of cordillera administrave region cold?

because of mountains

What is unusual about the climate of the western cordillera?

it is the wettest region on earth

What Canadian landform region has three mountain ranges?

The Western Cordillera

What is the approximate age of the Canadian Cordillera region?

It was formed millions of years ago.

What is the smallest vegetation region in Canada?

Canadian Arctic

What landform is the Northwest Territories in?

Ether The Arctic Lowlands,Canadian shield possibly the cordillera region

What region is Yukon territory?

some of the Arctic lowlands and cordillera

What are facts about the Canadian Cordillera?

Two of the most major cities within the Cordilleran Boundaries are Vancouver and Mexico City. There is a variety of vegetation that grows in the Cordillera region. The vegetation includes: douglas fir, forage grass, white spruce, lodge pole pine, ponderosa pine, and many other grasses. This vegetation grows here because it rains a lot and the soil is good. A variety of wildlife can be found throughout the Cordillera region. Some of the animals are: falcons, woodland caribou, deer, moose, squirrel, wolverines, grizzly bears, mountain goats, and golden eagles. These animals make this region their home because of the mountains and because of the trees, grass, landscape, food, and beautiful nature.

What are the 8 physiographic regions of Canada?

Canadian Shield, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowlands, St. Lawrence Lowlands, Appalatian Region, Innuitian Region, Arctic Lowlands & Western Cordillera.

Where is Cordillera's region?

the cordillera

Why is the Cordillera region called Cordillera Region?

Because the word 'Cordillera' means chain of mountains... well, its called the Cordillera region because it has the Rocky Mountains and Coastal Mountains.