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The ice is melting due to pollution and global warming therefore killing animals that polar bears eat and leaving nothing but small ice bergs.

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Q: How is the arctic changing now with polar bears?
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What animal is better - the Arctic fox or a polar bear?

The polar bear would defeat the tiger. Polar bears have more strength and weight than a tiger would ever attempt, since polar bears are much larger.

What kills polar bears?

from what i know, i dont think other animals kill polar bears, i think its us people that kill them. but now there are laws against hunting for a sport and killingpolar bears, it is now illegal to kill polar bears.Orcas have rarely been seen taking Polar bears, but it does happen.We are the ones killing the poor polar bears.We are the ones who release the green house gases and that creates global warming which melts the arctic and their "home."

Is it our fault that polar bears are dying?

Yes, we are polar bears' only predator. We hunted them all over the Arctic before hunting was banned in the 1970s. Numbers recovered, but they are now threatened (again because of us) because the Arctic sea ice, their habitat, is shrinking because of global warming.

What is going to happen if we keep killing the polar bears?

Polar bears are now protected.

Are the polar bears being affected by the melting of polar ice caps?

yes because they live on ice and now thay have to adapt to their fast changing surroundings which they are finding it hard to.

What endangers polar bears?

Right now nothing. Polar bears are doing quite well.

How did polar bears overcome global warming?

They haven't. Polar bears are now a threatened species. If the polar ice cap goes, then so do the polar bears, as they rely on oceanic ice to secure their food.

Do you believe that polar bears are endangered as a species now or in the future?


What is is the polar bear's climate?

it is mostly cold because its in the articPolar bears live in a polar climate. (you can guess why it's called a polar climate now right? because Polar bears live there and they're kinda called POLAR bears).Polar bears live in polar climates.they live in very cold climates. like below freezing.

On what do polar bears depend?

Right now, polar bears depend on humans. The habitat of the polar bear is decreasing. Because of global warming, the ice is melting. Polar bears are dying off because they have to swim long distances to get to ice.

Was the environment better for polar bears before global warming?

Yes. Before global warming began melting the Arctic sea ice, polar bears were able to hunt seals most of the year on the ice. Now the ice is melting earlier and earlier each year and the bears are often unable to build up their fat reserves to last them through summer.

What were polar bears like in prehistoric times?

the same as now