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Babies are not born from a mother and father, but instead, in a large factory (hatchery). Basically, babies are grown in test tubes. The Alphas are treated with ideal embryonic conditions, while lesser castes are treated differently (ex. alcohol in the amniotic fluid of some) to control learning ability.

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In "Brave New World," the hatchery is a facility where human embryos are artificially created and conditioned to fit into specific societal roles. This process is used to control and manipulate the population to maintain stability and control by the World State. The hatchery represents the extreme control and lack of individuality in the dystopian society depicted in the novel.

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In Chapter 2 of "Brave New World," the tone used is one of clinical detachment and superficiality. The chapter portrays the Assembly line atmosphere of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre. The tone reflects the institutionalized nature of the human production process in the dystopian society of the novel.

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Brave New World Records was created in 2004.

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John hangs himself at the end of Brave New World .

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'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley was published in 1932.

What are the main themes of brave new world?

You had to go to to ask this question, why not simply search for "Brave New World" and click on "Themes" rather than spell out, "What are the main themes of brave new world?"

How many world controllers are there in a brave new world?

There are 10 World controllers in Brave New World, a novel written by Aldous Huxley.

Who did the murder in brave new world?

Although there was no murder in Brave New World, John the Savage killed himself.

What is the setting in brave new world?

The "Brave New World" is London. Whereas, the "Reserve" that is visited later in the book is in New Mexico.