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This gap is called a synaptic gap and a chemical called a neurotransmitter is used as a bridge over the gap.
This message is carried via neurotransmitters. There are several types. Some speed up the transmission or slow it down or even stop it. They are like chemical bridges.

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Q: How is the message carried from one neuron to another if there is a space between them?
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How is the neuron carried messages from another neuron if there is a space between them?

axon and sypanes

How is the message caried from one neuron to another it there is a space between them?

The synaptic gap is the space between the dendrites of one neuron and the axon of the next. The impulse is carried across this space by chemicals called neurotransmitters which conduct the electrical impulse.

How us the messages carried from one neuron to another if there is a space between them?

axon and sypanes

What type of neuron carries a message from one neuron to another?

It is called an Interneuron

How does a signal travels down a neuron?

Best Answer: They make chemicals that are gas-like. Neurotransmitters.

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What is the space between two neurons called?

The space between the ending of one neuron and the communication with the next neuron is called the synapse, or sometimes it is called the synaptic gap or synaptic cleft. But synapse is the common term.

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What A message moves from one end of a neuron to another in the form of what?

resting potential

What are the parts of the neuron that the messages travels through?

The message travels through the axon and Schwann cells (which make up the axon) as an electrical message. When it reaches the dendrite, it is converted into a chemical message where it can be picked up by another neuron.

What is the difference between associate neuron and motor neuron?

motor neurons are linked to the muscles and obviously sends a message for muscles to move

What is the purpose of neurotransmitters-?

A neuron is a cell that is in the brain and it contains neurotransmitters. They are released from one neuron in order to send a message to another cell.