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Hypocrisy played a huge role in the Puritan society in the crucible. For example, Abigail Williams wasn't the innocent child everyone thought she was. The village looked at her as "The Finger of God" but throughout the whole play, she's lying to save herself and her good name. First she lies about not communing with the devil, then she claims that she saw the devil and that she saw all innocent people with the devil. She's also a hypocrite because she has committed adultery with John Proctor and hasn't said a word about it.

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Q: How is the theme of hypocrisy in The Crucible?
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jealousy is a huge theme in the crucible! an the reason is abigale is in love with Proctor and originally they had a thing, but he ends up picking and being loyal to his wife, Elizabeth, which infuriates Abigale. so she takes revenge on him by turning on him and is wife.

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Hypocrisy is a noun.

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Hypocrisy. You are correct

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