

How is tobacco bad for people?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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12y ago

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Yes it is not for children it is illegal in the UK do not take it.

of course its bad for you if it wasnt 10 year olds would be smoking.

tobacco harms almost every organ in the body it has over 4,000 harsh cemicals and 43 that cause cancer so if its smocking or any type of drug don't use it!!!!

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Consuming any type of tobacco is bad for your health, and it could kill you or lead to a large amount of medical problems. No tobacco is healthy for human beings. It is a legal toxic poison for people.

Is smoking tobacco bad for you?

no tobacco is bad for you .you can DIE from it. It makes it more dangerous having it with cigarettes

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because they did not know using tobacco was bad for you back then. the Indians started it

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What is a dangerous product that is bad for your total health?

Tobacco Products.

Is tobacco bad for you?

It is bad if you smoke it every day.

Was tobacco grown in Pennsylvania?

they grow tobacco

Are tobacco worse than cigarette?

As per my opinion both smoking and tobacco is bad for the health. Due to the direct contact of the chewing tobacco with the mouth and teeth, the effects of the nicotine lead to gum diseases. Oral cancer can be extensive in people who use chewing tobacco.

Is dipping tobacco products bad for you?

Yes it is extremily bad for you!

Why is tobacco bad for you?

Tobacco is bad for you because, whether you smoke cigarettes, or chew tobacco, you are still putting toxic chemicals into your body that can definitely give you cancer, but also potentially kill you.