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cutting rafters

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Q: How is trigonometry used in Carpentry?
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How do you use trigonometry in carpentry?

By makinr triangles and working out where your going to cut it

What jobs use trigonometry?

there many jobs that have to uses trigonometrysuch as a carpentry , law and order these jobs have to use trigonometry because for carpentry if you don't use it then you might as well not use it any ways and you Can also use it to impress the boss you know mabye get a little raise in your money but really when you are cutting out an angle you have to use trigonometry, also architecture uses trigonometry so they can figure out how to build the complex shapes that modern buildings require

How is trigonometry used in electronics?

Trigonometry is used effectively in electronics.

What is soh cah toa in trigonometry?

SoH: used for finding the sine of a triangle in trigonometry: Opposite/HypotenuseCaH: used for finding the cosine of a triangle in trigonometry: Adjacent/HypotenuseToA: used for finding the tangent of a triangle in trigonometry: Opposite/Adjacent

How is trigonometry ues today?

Trigonometry is used in the design and construction of buildings, cars, planes, and many other objects. Trigonometry is used in physics and engineering whenever forces, waves, fields, and vectors are involved. Trigonometry is used in music and acoustics to design speakers, instruments, and concert halls. Trigonometry is used to coordinate launches OS space shuttles. Trigonometry is used to navigate ships and planes. Nearly every part of modern life uses trigonometry in some way.

Why is geometry used in carpentry?

Geometry is used in carpentry to square foundations, walls, and to figure the length and angles of roof rafters. More specifically the Pythagorean Theorem is used for this purpose.== ==

How is trigonometry used in being a veterinarian?

its not

What field of science used trigonometry?

Physics, aeronautics, and astronomy all rely heavily on trigonometry.

How is trigonometry used in interior design?


What is the sgn function in trigonometry?

The sign function is used to represent the absolute value of a number when used in trigonometry. It is also referred to as the signum function in math.

What are the different application of trigonometry?

Trigonometry is used to find the properties of triangles and Pythagoras' theorem is used to find the lengths and angles of right angle triangles.

What do mechanics use trigonometry for?

Mechanics use trigonometry to find angles mostly used in body or chassis work.