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Q: How large is Antarctica how much of the world's ice is found there?
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How much worlds ice is in Antarctica?

although it is one of the biggest deserts, antarctica holds 90% of the worlds ice!

How much of the worlds fresh water is stored in the Antarctica ice sheet?

The number you want is about 70%.

How much of the worlds ice does Antarctica contain or have?

It contains 90% of the World's ice and 70% of Earth's Fresh Water.

How much of earth's surface is part of antarctica?

The continent of Antarctica covers about 10% of the earth's surface. It is about as large as USA and Mexico combined.

How much of the worlds oil supply is found in southwest Asia?

50% , HALF

What is the weather for antarctica for April 6 2011 in Fahrenheit?

Depending on where you are on the continent, which is as large as USA and Mexico combined, you might have found this weather report: "Not much light, windy and cold. Temperatures in the minus 90s F."

How much of Antarctica is hidden under a large ice sheet?

Ninety-eight percent of the continent is covered by ice.

Why might fossils of warm-weather animals be found in Antarctica?

It is said that Antarctica was once a warm continent, Therefore it once held warm weather animals, But the climate started to change and it became cold, Therefore the fossils of warm blooded animals can be found in Antarctica. +++ The world's climate was warmer and Antarctica was part of a much larger continent lying further North.

How much of the worlds water comes from Antarctica?

The Antarctic ice sheet stores about 70% of the earth's fresh water and about 90% of the earth's ice. The ice sheet is not considered a source of water.

Name a type of flightless bird found in Antarctica?

Penguins are the most well-known flightless bird. They populate much of Antarctica, but some also live in warm climates close to the equator.

What can reflect sunlight?

Mirrors, water, shiny metal... pretty much anything shiny. Antarctica reflects a large quantatie of the suns rays but i dont know how much.

On what tiny shrimplike crustean does much of Antarctica's large see life depend for food?

i am pretty sure they depend on fish, and krill for food