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When the husk opens they are ready.

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Q: How long after ripening can pecans be collected or harvested?
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How long can you keep pecans before they go bad?

Shelled pecans will keep for two years in the freezer. They will hold for a couple months after thawing but can be refrozen. They can also be refrigerated in an airtight container for several months.

Are nuts and pecans the same thing?

Pecans grow on pecan trees and walnuts grow on walnut trees... Stupid grows on stupid trees... what a dumb answer. This is directly from The most notable difference in appearance lies in the shape of pecans and walnuts. Walnuts resemble human brain in their formation, while pecans have deep ridges that are long though retaining the same elliptical shape. Pecans are dark brown, whereas walnuts are light brown in color. There are also differences in taste with distinct flavor of both pecans and walnuts. If you are in a market, you would be surprised to see higher priced pecan in comparison to better known walnuts. Read more:

Squirels have knocked pecans off tree. Will pecans ripen off the tree?

Once fully ripened, the hust around the pecan will have dried and opened so that the pecan inside is exposed. At this time, wind, rain, or some other external force causes some of the pecans to fall to the ground. Most will remain attached to the husk until the tree is shaken or a long pole is used to dislodge the pecans. Throwing sticks or rocks (not your spouse) up into the tree works as well .